About Our Family
I can't possibly fit "who we are" as a family into one small square space on your computer.
I'll give you the brief rundown though ... soon you'll get to know us even better as you follow along with us in Delhi!
Oft referred to as Husb. My lifeline, my rock and my hero. Never have I EVER met one person who can so rapidly and efficiently make sense out of complete chaos. He is the yin to my yang as the co-parent to our kids and loves me with every fiber of his being. Has great taste in wine, grills a mean steak and is amazing at penning his thoughts to me in the most amazing way.
The smartest kid I have ever known. 14 going on 24. Fast as a bullet, strong as a horse and smart as a whip. He amazes me every day and I forget to tell him on many of those days. He is an awesome friend to so many, and is growing up so fast. I haven't yet lost him entirely to the disease called "teenager". Very cool big brother to his much younger siblings. Has the sweetest dimples and I can STILL tell when he's lying to his momma!
About Delhi Bound.
My husband has always had "international" in his blood. While working for a major airline before we met/married, he worked overseas in 3 different countries. He loved his time overseas, and while he never lived as an expat WITH a family, he knows what he's doing in that environment. He's good at it.
Dare I say, he was made for it?
My family also has some pretty serious global ties, as my mother lives in Kenya, my father recently returned from Japan, my uncle spent some time in China, my grandfather served in Korea and we have other distant relatives all across the world.
Terran and I spent time in Africa with my mother when he was just 10 years old, and from that moment I realized that being in a foreign country, in a strange environment and surrounded by people who didn't look like me - was actually ok. It was even more than ok, as it was exciting, educational and exhilirating.
I have always tossed around the idea of raising our children to be internationally savvy and when this employment opportunity came up, my immediate reaction to Todd was:
Of course, everyone's first reaction to US is:
To which, I again say ... WHY NOT?
Sure, there are other locations that might be a bit more glamorous ... and certain areas of the world that might hold more appeal. The bottom line though is that with our family unit intact, it doesn't matter where we are physically located.
We are able to introduce our children to a culture that will impact them for the better. They will live a portion of their childhood surrounded by beauty, truth, reality and in the end ... will have a much larger base of friends, family and experience to draw from.
Making this move was a family choice. This was not a government assignment. This was not an employment transfer within the same company. This was not a situation of "Daddy lost his job".
This was an intentional choice and opportunity that we CHOSE for loads of reasons that we are aware of ... and probably for many reasons that we have probably yet to truly find out!
Welcome to our life, Delhi Bound!
About Naomi
I am a mother, wife, sister, friend, daughter.
I am a blossoming cook, an avid reader, a wanna-be runner and gardener.
I was homeschooled as a child and some days wish that I had the patience to do the same with my own children.
I am stubborn, melodramatic and sometimes impossible to reason with. I am steadfast in my belief systems, vocal and respectful at the same time.
I have always exercised my right to vote, my right to free speech and my right to stomp my foot when I see something that is wrong.
I type a ridiculous amount of words per minute, but can't possibly have an intelligent argument with my husband to save my soul.
I pass up movies in the comedy section and go only for movies that make me think. I love coffee first thing in the morning, despise housecleaning and adore the beach.
I want to live my life without fear or regret - but only if I've exercised due diligence in researching my options.
I write, I love, I create, I dream and I hope to make an impact ... if only a small corner of my world ... for the better.