About Naomi
I am a mother, wife, sister, friend, daughter.
I am a blossoming cook, an avid reader, a wanna-be runner and gardener.
I was homeschooled as a child and some days wish that I had the patience to do the same with my own children.
I am stubborn, melodramatic and sometimes impossible to reason with. I am steadfast in my belief systems, vocal and respectful at the same time.
I have always exercised my right to vote, my right to free speech and my right to stomp my foot when I see something that is wrong.
I type a ridiculous amount of words per minute, but can't possibly have an intelligent argument with my husband to save my soul.
I pass up movies in the comedy section and go only for movies that make me think. I love coffee first thing in the morning, despise housecleaning and adore the beach.
I want to live my life without fear or regret - but only if I've exercised due diligence in researching my options.
I write, I love, I create, I dream and I hope to make an impact ... if only a small corner of my world ... for the better.